The Ruby is one of the most highly prized colored gemstones on the market. Not only is it incredibly popular, it also has the ability to command some of the highest prices. Purchasing a Ruby takes a great deal of thought and personal research. There are many different things to look for when determining the quality of a stone. The best thing you can do is to make sure that you are buying from a reputable dealer that has a working knowledge of the industry. They will have a wider variety of available products, and they’ll be able to meet your expectations. The company selling the gemstones isn’t going to profit if they don’t find a high-quality product. A dealer will know the value of what they have, and will price their stones accordingly.
If you’re looking for a higher-grade Ruby, then you can expect to pay quite a bit. In the world of gemstones, this is how it works. If you want something that is truly valuable, then you’ll need to pay for it. Don’t be fooled by jewelers who claim to sell high-quality stones at remarkably low prices.
These stones are usually flawed, and they are trying to sell them to people who don’t understand what to look for. Each and every Ruby is a one-of-a-kind stone. There isn’t another one like it anywhere in the world, and finding one that is high quality can be incredibly rewarding.
Valuable gemstones are an investment in your future. They’re a physical representation of your wealth, and they often grow in value. Whether you’re choosing a stone for a customized piece of jewelry, or you simply want to add to your collection, you should already have some idea of what you’re looking for. Ruby hardness can only be rivaled by two other stones on the Mohs scale. If you’re in the market for a beautiful colored gemstone, these are just some of the ways to determine the quality of your Ruby:
The color of the Ruby is the most important factor when determining its quality and worth. A small Ruby with a better color can be worth more than a larger one with poor color and flaws. A high-quality Ruby will have a bright red color that can also fall in a slightly darker range. If the Ruby is too light it will take on a pink hue. This isn’t something that you want when choosing a better piece. Stay away from rubies that have an orange hue, and ones that fall solidly in the purple category. That gorgeous red is what makes a Ruby distinct, and it can tip the scale in regard to value.
All rubies are going to have some inclusions, or internal flaws. The clarity of the Ruby is determined by the visibility of these inclusions. When you look through the stone, you want as little disruption as possible. If an inclusion interferes with the color of the Ruby, or the saturation of color, then it can drastically lower its value.
The shape of the actual Ruby Crystal will determine the suitable cut for that stone. Most of the time, you’ll see slightly rounded rubies. These rough crystals are extremely expensive, and jewelers don’t want to waste any usable part.
4Size and Weight
Commercial quality rubies are available in all shapes and sizes. Common sense dictates that the larger the stone the more it’s going to cost. A larger fine quality Ruby is going to be incredibly expensive, but worth every penny. These are extremely rare, and they only go up in value.