When it comes to stones the most precious ones are gemstones, and when it comes to gemstones the most popular among them are the rubies. This is justified by their dense color saturation and their amazing durability. There is a diversity of quality when it comes to rubies. Although the finest quality rubies fetch the highest prices in the market while lower quality stones are priced more modestly. These prices are obviously arrived at after an intense grading process which determines ruby value per carat. Grading is vital to ensure that high-quality stones get the recognition they deserve while also protecting against the overpricing of rubies.

1Grading Matters

Grading requires expert knowledge of precious stones and also knowledge on how synthetic rubies can be created. Synthetic rubies are created by various methods including flame fusion, flux, hydrothermal, and the Czochralski process. Rubies are most valued among a family of priced gems known as corundum. Larger rubies are considered more valuable as compared to smaller sized diamonds. Small gem quality rubies can also be very rare justifying their high price.

2Factors that Determine the Price

Prices are usually dependent on clarity, origin, size, and color and can range from 100 dollars to 15,000 dollars. Burmese stones ranging from half to 1 carat slightly purplish reddish color range from 300 to 3000 dollars in value. Top color gems between half to 1 carat in size usually range from 1000 to 3000 in color according to the international Gem society. Majority of rubies are natively cut in their origin countries. Sometimes the overall color of a ruby can help tell the ruby’s origin. Myanmar stones are characterized by purplish red colors while Thai stones appear brownish red. Ultraviolet short and long wavelength make Rubies fluoresce which can be a great way to discover a stone’s origin.

Myanmar stones fluoresce more prominently compared to Thai stones. Corundum gemstones such as rubies and sapphires were synthesized using simple flame fusion in the early 20th century which has led to the creation of stones that have more sentimental than commercial value. Over time more complex and effective synthesis models have been developed leading to higher quality stones that even professionals will struggle to discover are synthetic.

Clarity of stones can be improved by high-temperature heating and can improve the stone’s color saturation. It has also been proven that heating does not significantly lower the value of the gemstones. It is of note, that Asia has historically produced the bulk of ruby gemstones with other sources being Africa, the United States, and Australia. Stones from Myanmar, however, command the highest prices perhaps due to their beautiful blood red coloring. The Mogok region in Myanmar is known to be the primary source of rubies. Srilanka has also produced some of the finest gems that are almost identical to those from Myanmar, while Madagascar produces fine dark blue sapphires.

Kenya and Tanzania are known for producing clean and magnificent stones while Thailand and Cambodia produce stones with the most clarity. Nepal has also become an upcoming source of stones as well. While seeking to purchase stones you can identify them by names such as beef blood, African, Sri-lanka, French, Thai, or synthetic star. A gemstone care guide is recommended while cleaning in order to maintain the ruby value per carat.