Gemstone tradenames have recently become popular which helps distinguish quality gemstones from the group of gems. Some of the industry standard names are :

Santa Maria Aquamarine

Santa Maria Aquamarine is one of the oldest and most expensive color of aquamarine. Their tradename comes from Brazil. They have one of the deepest blue tone which is natural and not treated. The more deeper the color is more expensive.

Santa Maria Color is easily found in Larger gemstones but it is extremely rare to find in small sizes due to the nature of beryl gemstone which gets lighter when cut smaller. The primary good source of fine quality deep blue aquamarine currently is Madagascar but they tend to have inclusions.

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Indicolite, also known as tourmaline, is a popular gemstone that people want to get. If you plan to get Indicolite, you must know what things to consider. Usually, there are a few important aspects to consider, especially the color and clarity of the gemstone.

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What is Indicolite?

Along with that, you must also consider the cut and the carat weight of the gemstone to understand its value. While you are on the hunt for the Indicolite, this definite buying guide will help you learn all about the gemstone you are looking for.

Indicolite has a hardness of 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. It is also known to have incredible durability; however, Whenever, you purchase this gemstone, you must check if the stone has clarity or not, and you should also check the flaws within the gemstone. The flaws and the low clarity will make any gemstone weaker. Once that is done, you can check all the other features. Make sure you dive into the rest of the article to find out what other features to consider and the benchmark whenever you purchase Indicolite.

Colour of Indicolite

Colour is one thing that will attract most people. The good thing about tourmaline is that it is available in a massive variety of colors, Shades, and options. You can find a great variety, and you will love how incredibly beautiful each color looks. However, besides the variety of colors, you must make sure that you are checking the color quality. When checking the color of the tourmaline, you should check the color hues that create a sensation to the human eye.

If you are specifically looking for Indicolite, you will find this gemstone in blue. The shade of blue and Indigo makes it even more beautiful.

This stone is available in various shades of light and dark blue color, and the color tone provides a better idea about the quality of the gemstone. One must also check the color saturation, which is another most important aspect to consider whenever purchasing any gemstone. The most saturated the gemstone is, the better its quality and value will be. When you are getting Indicolite, look for an option that is intense and vivid in terms of color saturation.

what to look for when buying indicolite

CLARITY - Once you are satisfied with the color of the gemstone, the next aspect to consider is clarity. With clarity of gemstone plays an important role in its value and its quality. You must make sure that you are checking Indicolite for the cracks and other cleavages. The cracks might happen for various reasons, including high pressure and collision with other crystals. Indicolite is a type 2 gemstone that contains slight inclusions that are visible to the human eye.

CUT - The next most important aspect that you must check is the actual shape of the gemstone. It is usually round or oval-shaped; however, it can be cut into different shapes as per the requirement.

When purchasing Indicolite, make sure you are getting an asymmetrical cut of the gemstone so that it is easier to handle. You can easily adjust it into any jewelry piece, especially a ring. Getting an asymmetrical shape will require a lot of effort to get it into a shape.

WEIGHT - Another factor from the 4 C's of gemstones is the carat weight. Indicolite is a real stone that you will rarely find over 2-carat weight. However, if you are looking for the other options of tourmaline gemstone, you can opt for the other Shades and color is, which is easily available over 2-carat weight.

Indicolite origin 

Usually, Tourmaline is found in abundance in most places, including Brazil and Afghanistan. You can also find it in Tanzania and Kenya. Madagascar and Siri Lanka are also famous places where you can find gemstones. Pakistan and USA are also among the list where you can easily find a tourmaline. However, Indicolite is a comparatively rare shade to find.

PRICING on indicolite

Prices of this gemstone can vary from $50 per Carat to 10000 dollars per carat. It depends upon the quality and the size of the gemstone. Also, since tourmaline is a common gemstone, you can easily find it at affordable prices. However, if you are looking for a particular shade, specially Indicolite, you might have to White in your pocket a little more because this point is a precious and area gemstone that costs a good amount of money.


Is Indicolite a good investment? If you are getting a vivid colored Indicolite that is bright and brilliant in its color and shape and looks stunning, it is valuable. One plus point is that if you can find this gemstone over 2-carat weight. The weight will add even more value to the gemstone. You can also look for the other varieties from the same family. Usually, the dull colors and those with low clarity are not as valuable; however, the vivid and clear options are always the most valuable investment.

Is tourmaline and Indicolite the same? Indicolite belongs to the tourmaline family. Based on the color variation, each gemstone has its name. There is a variety of colors that are available in the tourmaline family. The blue gemstone from this family is known as Indicolite. Also, it is one of the rare gemstones. Blue Indicolite is most valued because of its purity and vivid electric shades of copper.

Conclusion - In the above article, you might have checked that we have covered the four C's of Indicolite gemstone. With this buying guide, you will get most of the idea about finding the gemstone and how much it costs. Also, it will give you the heads up regarding the clarity and the carat weight that you can get for Indicolite gemstone. However, whenever you plan to buy Indicolite, make sure you look for an authentic seller who can provide you with an original gemstone. It can be difficult to find out an authentic seller. How about we recommend you one? Check original and authentic Indicolite.


The term “pigeon blood” is said to have come from Burma, where the locals would call the finest and most vivid rubies “ko-twe”, which means “Pigeon’s blood”. Others claim that the perfect-colored ruby is the same color as the central point of a pigeon’s eye.

pigeons blood ruby

Defining the Color “Pigeon’s Blood”

Whichever origin story you wish to believe in, Pigeon Blood was a popular way to describe the finest rubies in literature, however, it is only recently that the color has officially been defined. All rubies are red, but some are not visually pure as they will have secondary colors of pink, purple, and orange. Pink is a less saturated version of red, while purple and orange are next to red on a color wheel. To be called a ruby stone, a gemstone has to be at least 51% red. So, what is the true definition of the color which makes a pigeon blood ruby?

Some experts will tell you that it is possible to identify a ruby’s source by its color. Pigeon blood rubies are also known as Burmese rubies because they mostly come from what was known as Burma, Myanmar today. Rubies from Burma have a rich red color and a blue undertone, adding depth to the robust color. Some claim that pigeon’s blood is a visibly pure vivid red stone, which is achieved when a purplish red ruby is set in yellow gold. This way the yellow cancels out the blue undertones. The GRS (Gemresearch Swisslab AG) have officially defined pigeon’s blood by creating a scale based on the intensity of red color in the rubies. On a scale of 1 to 4, pigeon’s blood rubies place at number 3, or vivid red.

Primary & Secondary Colors

We know that color is the most important factor when valuing rubies. However, under ‘color’ we also find hue, saturation, and tone. The hue is the actual color as we know it. In rubies, it is simple, since only gems with a primary red color are considered rubies. Other colors are known as sapphires. A ruby that is not considered red enough is called a “pink sapphire” and not a ruby at all. However, a ruby can have secondary colors, such as orange, pink, purple, and violet. 

While the prominently red rubies are preferred, they are rare. That is why pigeon blood rubies have such a high value. However, some stones with a secondary color such as purple can also be very valuable in Mozambique Ruby.

Enhanced Rubies

Because high quality rubies, especially gemstones with the deep color to be considered pigeon blood rubies, are extremely rare, some rubies are treated or enhanced. The aim is to improve their appearance, whether that be their color, or improve inclusions and fractures. Heat treatment is the most common treatment to improve the color of a ruby and remove any purple tinge, silk, and blue patches. Glass filling is another form of treatment that has become popular in recent years. This treatment fills fractures within the gemstone, with results in increased transparency.

Every treatment must be clearly stated when sending a gemstone in for a gemstone grading report and must be mentioned in the report too. Attempting to sell an enhanced ruby as if it had received no treatments were done is not only frowned upon but is also wrong.

Natural Vs. Synthetic Rubies

We all prefer a natural ruby to a synthetic one, however, distinguishing between a natural ruby and a synthetic ruby is far less obvious. The first synthetic ruby to ever be made was created in 1837. Since then, the industry of synthetic rubies has continuously evolved, and the final product has improved but there is always a difference between natural gemstones and synthetic impostors.

The difference is normally only detectable using a microscope. Professional and experts will find a different structure. Furthermore, natural rubies will often contain flaws, whereas synthetic gemstones are almost always perfect, except for bubbles that appear every once in a while.

Pigeon blood rubies are considered some of the finest stones in the world. The majority of them are sourced in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, which is already famous for the best rubies ever seen. Even though their color is considered the most prestigious hue, it is a matter of taste. Some people will prefer a more subtle shade of red, while others are amazed by the hues of pigeon blood rubies. 

If you are looking at buying these stones, make sure it has all the correct certifications and it comes from a reliable business.

Other ruby colors

Rubies from the North East region of Myanmar are generally purple and black in the center and surrounded by a bright red outer layer when placed next to pigeon’s blood rubies. Vietnamese rubies have a purplish-red hue, while Thai rubies are a darker and muted red, which is known as “Siamese Color”. Ceylon rubies are a light raspberry red. 

Sapphires and rubies have, essentially, the same chemical composition, with some trace elements being slightly different. The color is what defines a gemstone as a ruby or as a sapphire. Red stones with a strong purple or pink hue will be classified as purple or pink sapphires, as rubies must have 51% or more red color.


Watermelon Tourmaline is a unique gemstone. Let’s take a closer look at the origins of this amazing gemstone and how it gets it beautiful coloring.

Where the stone got its name from is simple, as the colors of watermelon tourmaline perfectly mimic the rind and flesh of the juicy summer fruit.

watermelon tourmaline

What are Watermelon Tourmalines?

The tourmaline family are gemstones made of mixed aluminum boron silicate crystals. With trace elements such as iron, manganese, sodium, lithium, or potassium. 

Tourmaline was first discovered in Brazil in the 16th century, although they were initially confused for emeralds. It took three centuries to finally classify the gemstones as tourmaline in the 19th century.

Gemologists can now divide tourmalines into 11 different species depending on the properties and chemical composition of the stone. Elbaite are the most colorful members of the tourmaline family. The red or pink tourmalines are called rubellites, blue tourmalines are called indicolite, and the rarest of all, the Paraiba Tourmaline, are all known as elbaites, as is the multi-colored Watermelon Tourmaline.

Tourmaline is a name derived from the Singhalese phrase “tura mali” which means stone mixed with vibrant colors. The watermelon prefix is an obvious one, as it refers to the unique combination of colors which resemble the rind and flesh of a watermelon. Tourmalines have a hardness of 77.5 on the Moh’s scale, so the watermelon tourmaline is a durable stone suitable for jewelry, and its eye-catching colors make it a favorite gem for designers and collectors alike.

How is Watermelon Tourmaline Formed?

The majority of tourmaline deposits are found in veins running through rocks, created by molten magma from volcanos. As the magma cools, large cracks form in the rocks, which are then filled with a mixture of water and minerals such as iron, lithium, or manganese. Over time these minerals are turned into crystals of tourmaline and other stones. It is these trace elements that give tourmalines their huge range of vivid colors, which range from red, green, and blue to yellow and orange.

It is not uncommon for several different types of crystal to be formed in the same rock pocket, and the chemistry can also change over time. This change can be cause by depletion through crystal growth or as new minerals are introduced via water sources such as rain. Because of this, many tourmaline mines produce a range of gemstone colors, depending on what trace elements make up the stone. For example, iron-rich tourmalines are dark blue or black, while high levels of manganese will result in red, pink, brown, or yellow crystals. The green tourmalines once confused as emeralds are caused by chromium. Lithium can produce a rainbow of colors from blue or green to red, yellow, or pink. 

Single color tourmaline crystals are rare, as even the smallest difference in the stones mineral composition will cause a different color to appear.

What Causes Watermelon Tourmaline’s Colors?

We often see bi-colored and multi-colored zoning in tourmaline gemstones, and it happens when the trace elements in the composition change in concentration or composition while the crystal grows. Unique tourmalines can have colored zones across the length of the crystal, or they could have a core color and an outer edge of a different color. A single tourmaline crystal can contain up to 15 different colors or shades, earning it the nickname “rainbow gem”.

In watermelon tourmaline, you will find pink and green Elbaite crystals in the same stone, and these color zones illustrate the formation process of the gemstone.

The crystal of watermelon tourmaline is exposed to different minerals such as manganese and lithium as it grows, and these cause the gem to change color from a pink center all the way through a pale zone to the green color of the rind.

Watermelon Tourmaline Sources

Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, Afghanistan, and the United States are some of the main producers of watermelon tourmalines. The state of Maine, USA, is where the gemstone was first discovered in 1902, and is renowned for producing the highest quality watermelon tourmaline. In the early 1970’s a large pocket of some of the highest quality watermelon tourmalines ever found was discovered in the Plumbago Gem Pit in the same state.

Brazil, besides being famous for other gemstones, is also famous for high-quality watermelon tourmalines, with clear and vibrant colors. Many experts consider Brazil as the most abundant source of classic red/green watermelon tourmalines.

What does Watermelon Tourmaline Look Like?

The clue is in the name, watermelon tourmaline displays banded colors in the same way a rioe slice of watermelon looks. The stone has a red or pink center, surrounded by a rim of green which is often separated from the center by a line of pale pink or white. These vivid color zones can also happen at either end of the stone, although there is a debate regarding these stones and if they should be classified as watermelon or bi-colored tourmalines.

Watermelon tourmaline crystals often form with a characteristic rounded triangular shape. Gemstones with vivid and clearly separated colors are extremely rare, thus they command the highest price on the market. You can find stones valued at $500-$600 per carat.

Jewelers will often cut the stone into slices rather faceting the rough stone to enhance the appearance of a real watermelon. They have a complex structure, and this makes tourmalines a difficult to cut stone. A cutter will need a high level of skill to identify areas of tension within the stone, as not doing this properly can cause the stone to crack and break during the cutting process.

Cleaning Your Watermelon Tourmaline

Use warm soapy water to clean your watermelon tourmaline. Due to their hardness, they are suitable for daily wear, but avoid contact with harsh chemicals. Ultrasonic cleaning can cause cracks and damage to the stone, so is best avoided.