Those born in the month of April are lucky enough to call the diamond their birthstone. Known as the king of birthstones, diamonds have a long history, dating back to more than 3 billion years ago. Having said that, here is everything you need to know about April birthstone : Diamond
1Stone Facts

Diamonds might be a universally beloved stone, but there are still a few things you may not know about this popular stone.
For one, the word diamond actually comes from the Greek word “adamas”, which means invincible or incombustible.
Diamonds are more than a billion years old! First discovered in India, diamonds are said to have been first crystallized 3.3 billion years ago.
In 2014, Russia was the #1 country for the production of diamonds.
While diamond engagement rings may seem common now, the first diamond engagement ring was given to Mary of Burgundy from the Archduke Maximilian of Austria in 1477.
Diamonds are made out of pure carbon, making them the only gems made out of one element.
2Stone Variety

Diamonds come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. To help you identify each type of diamond, here are all the different varieties of the april birthstone.
Natural diamonds – this diamond is colorless and viewed as the standard, basic diamond.
Treated diamonds – while minded like regular diamonds, these stones have been artificially enhanced to look better. These diamonds are usually cheaper than the average diamond.
Natural colored diamonds – diamonds that come in an array of vibrant colors such as pink, yellow, red, green, blue, purple, and violet.
Man-made diamonds – these diamonds are created in a lab with advanced technology. These stones can usually be identified by their cheap price.
3Stone Durability
When it comes to durability, diamonds are one of the strongest natural materials in the world. They can not be broken easily. Something as small as dropping your diamond will not harm your diamond in the slightest.
When it comes to heat, diamonds can bear up against heat as high as 2,500 degrees Celsius. However, any heat above that level can harm your diamond. But, luckily for you, most damage can be reversed.
4Stone Care
To help make sure that your diamond remains in good condition, you need to learn how to take care of it. Here are some of our best tips for taking care of your diamond!
Regularly clean your diamond! – Once a week, clean your diamond by soaking it in water. Then use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently dry the stone.
Avoid harmful chemicals! – Solutions (such as chlorine bleach) or abrasives (such as toothpaste or cleansers) can damage the metal around your diamond.
Visit your jeweler yearly! – Giving your diamond a quick check-up once a year will extend its longevity. Your jeweler will be able to tighten any loose prongs and even professionally clean up for you.